I have previously contributed to two different media with different audiences. The Molecular Ecologist is a science blog with a readership mainly consisting of biologists and people interested in science, while Denník N (Daily N) is a Slovak independant newspaper read by the general public.


What’s left of the black rhino’s genetic diversity?

Diving into the inbreeding depression

The almighty CRISPR-Cas9 technology: How does it work?

The final nail in the coffin of Patagonian megafaunal extinctions

Are genetic drift and inbreeding the same thing?

Opening Pandora’s box: PSMC and population structure

How to Clone a Mammoth: When science fiction becomes reality
News and commentary for ecology, evoluion, and everything in between
The Molecular Ecologist is a website for people interested in the applications of population genetic data in studies of evolution, ecology, and diversity. Contributors are mostly scientists working in the fields of ecology, evolutionary biology, and behavior, and we often write about the technical details of research in our fields — but we hope that much of what we cover is also interesting to members of the general public.
In my posts, I mainly concentrate on topics within the scope of palaeogenetics and conservation genetics. I try to encompass everything from discussions on theoretical principles of population genetics, to highlighting new methods and interesting papers.
My profile on The Molecular EcologistDENNÍK N
Nezávislý slovenský denník
Do Denníka N som začala priespievať o čosi viac ako pred rokom, aby som si precvičila písanie o vede pre širokú verejnosť. Redakcia sa ma láskavo ujala a editor vedy Oto Horák mi necháva voľnú ruku pri výbere tém, takže mám ten luxus, že môžem písať výhradne o tom, čo ma naozaj baví.
Vo svojich článkoch sa venujem najmä evolučnej histórii, ekológii a ochranárskej biológii, čiže všetkému od neandertálcov a mamutov po nosorožce a polárne líšky.

Odborníčka na pašovanie zveri: cena rohov je taká vysoká, že pytliaci urobia čokoľvek

Na Slovensku je okolo 400 vlkov, patria ku karpatskej populácii

Za vymieranie niektorých živočíšnych druhov môže človek. Ako situáciu napraviť?

Polárne líšky zachraňujú pred vyhynutím, dávajú im psie granuly a strieľajú konkurenciu