The first time I've learnt about the theory of evolution, it absolutely blew my mind and I've decided that I want to become an evolutionary biologist to understand how it works. More than a decade later, I received a doctorate degree in Systematic Zoology and Evolution. However, now I know that I could spend a lifetime trying to understand evolution and end up with more questions than I started with. But I also know that this limitless source of curiosity is something I very much enjoy.

Broadly speaking, my research interests lie within the wide range of evolutionary history, from the origin of species' to their extinction. While my research career started with studying speciation in tree squirrels, it ended up at the opposite end and my current research can be simply described as the genomics of extinction. My work is based on bridging evolutionary history and future conservation actions, theoretical and applied research, extinct and endangered species. My two main model systems for studying the pre-extinction genomic processes are the woolly mammoth and African elephants.

I am currently an Assistant Professor and a Branco Weiss Fellow at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and a guest researcher at the Lund University in Sweden, supported by a Formas early-career research project grant.


My research spins around various aspects of evolutionary history, but I am particularly interested in extinction dynamics and in the study of population and conservation genomics in extinct and endangered species.

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The full CV also includes information on Awards & Scholarships, Research Visits, Conferences, and Academic Merits.
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I hold a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Stockholm University. My PhD thesis focused on conservation palaeogenomics of the woolly mammoth.


I have been employed as a laboratory technician, working on DNA extraction, amplification, and NGS library preparation.


Besides participating in the Arctic fox monitoring project in the Swedish mountains, I have been on two big expeditions to Greenland and Wrangel Island, surveying ecology of the Arctic ecosystem.


I have lectured on the topics of Introductory Genetics, Ancient DNA, and Conservation Genetics.


I contributed popular science pieces to two media outlets with different audiences, a science blog and a Slovak daily newspaper.

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